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She Mentors Logo


  • One of our core values is 'purpose before profit' because we genuinely want to help you succeed. This means your happiness comes FIRST.

    If you join the membership and don't feel the warm and fuzzies from our events or mentoring, we'll give you your next month free so we can make it up to you (and believe us, we will go above and beyond!).

    We want you to join our membership safe in the knowledge that your happiness comes first. Nothing to lose, everything to gain!

  • We are building a global mentoring platform that helps women and organisations easily share knowledge, skills and experiences - and we'd love you to join our mission!

    All too often women shrink their inner circle as they get older. They hang out with the same people day-in-day-out, or they rely on a single coach, mentor or manager. Worse still, go it alone struggling through burnout, overwhelm and disappointment.

    Don’t let this be you!

    We built the She Mentors platform to make it easy for you to meet women OUTSIDE your usual circles and get exposure to NEW ways of thinking, critical in a fast-moving world.

    Each month book 2 mentoring sessions with anyone on the platform and meet in-person or online:

    Access diverse perspectives & skillsets
    Unlock new pathways for growth
    Share stories, challenges and learnings
    Bounce ideas and get clarity on next steps
    Build your confidence with 24-7 support
    Share trends, insights and learnings
    Help other women upskill & learn, too

    Best of all? You have the opportunity to use your voice and share your own knowledge and experiences with other women.

    Where else can you help other women AND gain the support you need to go next-level?

    *By 'all women' we mean anyone who has experienced oppression as a woman, including trans, CIS, non-binary, LGBTQI, migrant women etc.

  • Women who want to help each other succeed! We deliberately mix business with pleasure; startup with corporate; beginners with experts.

    Come and meet industry peers, growth mentors, mindset coaches, career counsellors, creatives, people geeks, thought leaders, CEOs, business owners, new mamas, job seekers and everyone in between! We understand that for you to succeed, you need more than just one mentor. You need a team.

    We’re committed to ensuring an inclusive, supportive environment for our members, team and guest speakers. We warmly welcome people from LGTBQI+ backgrounds and historically marginalised experiences to join our community.

    Please note, you do not need to be an experienced mentor or 'expert' to join. We value the exchange of knowledge. We actively want to attract different experience levels.

  • VIP Membership: This is billed on a month-to-month subscription basis, automatically renewing every 30 days via Stripe. Prices include GST. You can cancel your subscription anytime before the next billing period. No lock in contracts or fees.

    Annual memberships: If you choose to pay annually, you agree to a 12-month minimum commitment in advance. At the end of this billing cycle your membership will automatically renew for the same period of time, unless cancelled.

    Corporate memberships are billed annually with a minimum of 20 team members. Prices exclude GST.

  • Membership includes the following:

    • Member profile visible to our network
    • Oportunity to give back 1 hour each month. Please note, you may not get booked every month and that's okay! The idea is that you are happy to help, if someone should need it.
    • In return for giving, book TWO Mentor Hours each month (online or in-person). You choose who you meet and what you talk about.
    • Exclusive events, forums, panel discussions and local meetups.
    • Invitation to join our private members-only Facebook Group.
    • Speaking opportunities and promotion to our extended network of 20,000+ women
  • No, not at all. The whole concept of The Mentor Hour is shared experience. Even limited knowledge in a particular field could be extremely valuable to someone else. All we ask is that you share the same values as us, and want to help other women succeed.

  • She Mentors is about paying it forward so we hope to attract women who share our values. We are a purpose-driven community, packed full of generous people who take the leap, often overcoming fears, barriers and mindset issues in the process.

    The more you get involved, the bigger your personal transformation will be! This membership is not designed as a 'set and forget'. We want you to love our community and get the best possible value for money. Our team is on hand to support you every step of the way.

  • We often source speakers from our community, giving VIP members the opportunity to host Group Mentor Hours, Industry Forums and appear on the She Mentors podcast.

    Speakers are chosen at our discretion, so make sure you're an active part of the Facebook group and introduce yourself to the team to get noticed. We love seeing members helping each other out and celebrating each other's success, so the more active you are, the more likely it is that we'll seek you out!

  • Once you become a member you'll enjoy a personalised welcome in our Facebook group and meet other newbies in our kick-off coffee with She Mentors founder Ali Adey.

    Each month you'll be able to book a 1:1 mentoring session with anyone on the platform. This is the perfect opportunity to tap into the collective knowledge of our community. Likewise, your profile will be available for others to book an hour with you 🙌

    Each month we host a Monthly Reset event for accountability, support and networking opportunities. There are also community-lead in-person MeetUps in all major citites and remote areas around Australia and NZ.

    At the end of the month, take part in our #ShareYourWins initiative inside the Facebook group and will prizes for your efforts!

  • We love to support all members across our socials, but VIPs get extra special love to 12,000 Instagram followers, 7,000 LinkedIn followers and special features in our EDMs. So if you're looking to boost your visibility, this membership is for you.

  • 1) Upload your member profile so others can get to know you better

    2) If you'd like to share your own knowledge on the platform, simply turn on your availability so other members can book you for a Mentor Hour

    3) Each month you can book 2 mentorings sessions with anyone you like! Meet for coffee or online over Zoom or FaceTime. It's completely up to you!

    Rest assured, there is no pressure to 'have all the answers' or to provide direct advice or coaching during Mentor Hours. They are just an opportunity to share your knowledge in a relaxed environment over a cuppa.

  • Our new search and filters make it easy to find members in specific industries, skills or location. This membership gives you complete control of who you meet, what you talk about and whether you meet in-person or online.

    If you get stuck, try posting a callout in our Private Facebook Group and let our community come to the rescue. Don't forget, the She Mentors team is always on hand to help. Simply email and we'll happily offer up recommendations!

  • You will receive an email alert with the subject "Nice one! You've been booked for The Mentor Hour" and details of that member's booking,

    Please get back to that person within 2-3 working days to confirm date and time.

    Organise to meet over Zoom, FaceTime or in-person and don't forget to take a photo for your chance to win a free month's membership!

  • No problem. You can use any platform you like: Zoom, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, Google Hangouts (free for anyone with a gmail account).

  • Don't worry! The point is that you're available if someone should need help in your particular field. That's all we ask! 

    If, however, you would like to mentor others and aren't getting many bookings, please review your profile and perhaps add in more skills, update your title or tweak your copy to appeal to the masses.

    If you need help with this, please email and we'll be happy to assist.

  • Members can give up to 3 Mentor Hours per month. Give back when you can, turn off availability when life gets busy.

    If you need a break from mentoring, we have recently introduced the ability to reduce your hours to '0'. This ensures no one else can book your Mentor Hour until you choose to reset it.

    Each month you can book TWO mentoring sessions with anyone you like.

  • No sales pitches, no hidden agendas. This is a mentoring platform for women who genuinely want to help each other succeed. We ask all our members to share experiences, knowledge and skills – not to provide direct advice or coaching.

    Please read our Rules & Guidelines here>>

  • Yes, all members get access to free masterclasses, panel events, forums and discussions. The majority of events are held on Zoom on weekday lunchtimes and recorded for those who can't make it. Our members also have the opportunity to host local meetups, which are organised via our private Facebook group.

  • Yes! We open the doors to the membership periodically throughout the year. However, please note, prices may increase for new members, so make sure you get in quick to get the best price.

  • Monthly Membership: Absolutely! You can cancel your membership plan any time throughout the month. Simply email or visit the Account section of your membership and choose 'cancel membership'. This will then deactivate your profile at the end of the billing period.

    We also offer the option to 'pause' your membership for up to 3 months in a calendar year, which will retain your current membership price. Please contact us and we'll happily assist!

    Annual memberships: If you choose to pay annually, you agree to a 12-month minimum commitment in advance. At the end of this billing cycle your membership will automatically renew for the same period of time, unless cancelled. If you wish to cancel, simply email or visit the Account section of your membership and choose 'cancel membership'. You will still be able to access the platform until the end of your current billing cycle.

    Please note, members who cancel and wish to re-join later will have to pay the current membership price, which may be more expensive.

  • Yes! As part of our mission to give back and drive change, we offer a number of free/ discounted memberships:

    Job loss / Redundancy

    If you role has been made redundant, please email with details of your situation and we'd love to help you get back on your feet with a free 3-month complimentary membership.

    Student discount

    If you are a student keen to upskill and learn from our mentors, we offer a 20% discount on our memberships (valid for 12 months). Please email using your student email address and tell us where and what you're studying, plus why you would like to join our community.

    Concession card holder

    If you are the holder of a concession card (e.g disability, carer), we offer a 20% discount on our membership (valid for 12 months at a time). Please email with an image of your concession card.

    Discrimination, bullying or unfair treatment

    If you are experiencing discimination, bullying or unfair treatment at work, we offer 3-month complementary memberships to help support you. While we don't offer counselling services, we do have a supportive network of women who can share their experiences.

    Maternity leave

    If you are pregnant or on parental leave, we'd love to support you during this transition with a 3-Month VIP Membership. This can be taken up anytime and will give you access to The Mentor Hour so you can take advantage of our community. Please email and tell us the lovely news so we can set you up!

  • If you deem the service to be 'unfit for purpose' within 30 days of purchase, we will cancel your membership and refund your payment.

    After this time, refunds aren't generally given unless we fail to supply the services outlined in our agreement. In this case we may decide to refund part of the fees you've paid (at the discretion of the She Mentors team).

    Please note, if you choose to purchase an annual membership you agree to a 12-month minimum commitment. Refund requests will only be considered within the first 30 days of purchase.

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We ask all members to complete their profile before taking part in The Mentor Hour. This ensures that you are available to help others, should they need it.

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All mentor hours reset on the 1st of the month.


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